Archives for September 2014

Let’s Face It Second Saturday

Hey y’all! We had another Second Saturday meeting! This one was all about your face and it was awesome! Because I mean who wouldn’t want to know how to make their own beauty products to make their face just shine?!?! So let’s face it! Haha. But seriously essential oils are great for your skin’s health […]

Let’s chat

Ok y’all, let’s have a little chat. I began my oil journey just this year and I have seen some great results from using oils. J has pretty much thrown away the majority of his allergy and heartburn medicine. I have used them to get over some stressful feelings, some not so pleasant stomach pains, […]

Run This Way

I have a love/hate relationship with running. There are days that I can run for miles and enjoy every second and there are days when even looking at my Mizunos gives me an anxiety attack. But I still lace them up. I am not consistent nor am I a power house runner, but I do, […]