Citrus with Pep

Citrus Fresh is a new addition to the Premium Starter Kit in the ‘Thanks-for-becoming-a-member’ box. It was not in the kit when I stepped into the oily world so I bought this one in my second Essential Rewards order since it sounded awesome! Currently, I use Citrus Fresh daily in my water because it is […]

Happy Hectic Holidays

Holy lord! Are you running around like a crazy person every day and crashing into bed every night . . . . yup, me too. The holidays do this to me every year without fail. I attempt to put up boundaries or try to head off the craziness but it only seems to get swallowed up by […]

Slow and bumpy?

Our kit has finally arrived and we have decided to start SLOW. . .  (I did rush out and buy glass water bottles for myself and J.) So we began with the allergy trio for J. Seems reasonable, right? WRONG! J has major allergy problems with grass, pollen, air, and pretty much anything in nature. […]